Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Art And Fear: Conceptual Worlds By David Bayles & Ted Orland

1. What is the difference between craft and art?
  • The net result is that art is less polished- but more innovative- than craft.
  • A work of craft is typically made to fit a specific template.
  • One real difference between art and craft: with craft, perfection is possible.
  • "The difference between art and craft lies not in the tools you hold in your hands, but in the mental set that guides them. For the artisan, craft is an end in itself. For you, the artist, craft is the vehicle for expressing your vision. Craft is the edge of art."

2. What do the authors mean when they refer to artist habits as a style?
  • respond automatically to the familiar, and you're then free to respond selectively to the unfamiliar.
  • notice the objects you notice
  • make objects that talk- and then listen to them
  • The trick, of course, is cultivating habitual gestures that are yours.
  • whatever theme and technique attracts you, someone has already experimented with
  • habits are deep-seated, reliable, helpful, and convenient. They are stylistically important.
  • Habits are style
  • Style is not an aspect of good work, it is an aspect of all work. 
  • Style is the natural consequence of habit.

What is your style?
  • I paint what I see
  • realistic painter
  • calm
  • seeking engagement
    • I enjoy making art almost more than the art itself

3. "All art is autobiographical?" Based on what you read what is your opinion?
  • Even if it is used to express or connect with something outside of yourself, the need to express or connect to something outside is part of who you are. So even if the motivation to make art is connected to something outside of yourself, it is still a statement about yourself and your needs. Consequently, I believe all art is at least a little autobiographical.

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