- "When people give you advice, they’re really just talking to themselves in the past."
- Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of previous ideas.
- For example 1+1=3. If you draw 2 parallel lines, and ask how many lines there are, the answer is 3 because there are the 2 lines that are drawn and 1 line made up of the space in between, therefore making 1+1=3.
- You are made up of everything and everyone you surround yourself with.
- "It’s in the act of making things that we figure out who we are."
- Fake it 'til you make it.
- Better to write what you like, not what you know.
- Have a hobby.
- Be seen.
- Be nice, be boring.
Kirby Ferguson:
- Everything is a remix
- For example, often new music comes from old music.
- Beats are edited- made faster, slower, louder, softer
- Audiences prefer what is familiar.
- New works are made up of bits and pieces of past works.
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